@extends('layout.default') @section('styles') @endsection @section('content')


2.General Settings

{{ method_field('PUT') }} @csrf
@if ($errors->any())
@foreach($userLander->template->colors as $color) @endforeach
Select the color
Preview desktop/tablet
@if($userLander->active == 1) @else @endif
@if($userLander->template->options->whereIn('name', 'Mobile') != '[]')
Preview mobile
@if($userLander->active == 1) @else @endif
@endif @if($template->options->whereIn('name', 'Opt-in') != '[]') @if($userLander->active == 1) @else @endif @endif
@if($userLander->active == 1) @else @endif

Alert: If you notice that the information isn't updating properly, please, try to hard refresh your browser to clear your cache. Here's how to do it on different browsers and OS: Click Here

This will be part of your URL and will be visible for the visitors. If the Address is already taken, the page will be reloaded and you will lost the modifications, PLEASE CHECK IT BEFORE SUBMIT!
@foreach($groups as $key=>$group) @if($key == $template->group->id -1) {{$group->name}} Recommended
@foreach($group->domains as $domain) @endforeach
@endif @endforeach @foreach($groups as $key=>$group) @if($key != $template->group->id -1) {{$group->name}}
@foreach($group->domains as $domain) @endforeach
@endif @endforeach
This is the title that will be displayed on the browser tab.
@if($userLander->template->options->whereIn('name', 'Smart') != '[]')
This is the page you want to send visitors to, normally the affiliate link.
This is the smart link and you can leave it blank to disable the smart feature.
If you’re using a tracking tool and need to add a piece of code to your landing page, place it here.
Here you can include the pixel code from Facebook or another retargeting platform.
@if($userLander->template->options->whereIn('name', 'Opt-in') != '[]')

Opt-In Settings

Use the button above "Set up your form" to generate the form code

Thank You Page Settings

The link to thanks page must be configured directly at the Lead Platform.
{{-- Image Modal--}} {{-- Form Modal--}} @endsection @section('scripts') @endsection